Instructions for authors ****************************************************************************************** * Instructions for authors ****************************************************************************************** iForum is the official magazine of Charles University. The editors reserve the right to de a text shall be included in the magazine. The magazine shall not publish texts that have a published, or submitted for publication to another periodical. The magazine is aimed towards not only on the academic community, but also the wider publi texts should therefore be written in a popular-scientific style. Please send articles adjusted to comply with the following editorial guidelines in electro following e-mail address: iforum(zavinac) [ MAIL "iforum(zavinac)"] . In you state your full academic title and contact details in the event that the editorial team ne with you regarding the text. Texts must fulfil the following formal criteria: Format: the editorial team accepts texts in electronic form in the .doc, docx. and rtf for Title: max. 60 characters incl. spaces. Perex: max. 500 characters incl. spaces (max. 5 opening sentences containing information o the article and formulated so that the reader learns the most important information from t Article: max. 4500 characters incl. spaces; max. 6,500 characters incl. spaces for intervi Information in the article is sorted according to importance The article shall include a profile of the author (brief biography containing academic foc publications), with active link to faculty (name and surname incl. academic titles, teleph name and address of place of work). Editing: articles shall be subject to editing, including proofreading. The editorial team right to compose the final version of the text. Illustrations: the author of the article shall bear responsibility for the ownership of co illustrations. Do not embed images or graphs in the text; these must be sent as separate, with captions. Please send files that larger than 10 MB via an online post-box. The editorial team shall in JPG format. The minimum width of photographs is 700 pixels The editorial team shall not return unsolicited manuscripts.