Exhibition in Municipal House presents educational programmes of Art Education Depa ****************************************************************************************** * Exhibition in Municipal House presents educational programmes of Art Education Departmen ****************************************************************************************** The educational programmes presented in the exhibition were created between 2011-13 for ex of the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague and Galerie Rudolfinum in cooperation with the Art Department of the CU Faculty of Pedagogy through the NAKI joint research grant, awarded by Ministry of Culture. The exhibition will run until 18 March. Through these educational programmes, both institutions wish to inspire visitors to the ex the wider public, schools and special-interest groups – to become creatively involved in e facilitate deeper understanding of the issue. “The group of researchers from the Museum of made the primary contribution to educational programmes exhibited, while the team from the Department designed and realised the programmes exhibited at Galerie Rudolfinum,” explaine Sehnalíková, curator for education at the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague. Educational programmes may take the form of so-called active zones within exhibitions, gui lectures, task sheets, art workshops, programmes for schools and so on. The testimonies of everyone who participated in the preparation and realisation of the edu programmes about what they saw and experienced in relation to the exhibition are documente exhibition through photos, educational materials and drawn or written responses by partici programme. The Educational programmes of the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague and Galerie Rudolfinum Exhibition designed by: Vladimíra Sehnalíková (UPM), Dita Hálová (UPM), Marie Fulková (KVV