The First Decades of Charles University ****************************************************************************************** * The First Decades of Charles University ****************************************************************************************** On November the 6th through to November the 7th, a series of lectures was held at the Acad of the Czech Republic, titled “The First Decades of the Prague University: Transforming In in 14th-century Central Europe.” This series of lectures concerning Charles University (ba Prague University) aimed to analyse and uncover the influence that Prague University had o its first decades of establishment. The series included lectures centred on specific liter prepared by specialist scientists from universities from the Netherlands, Germany, Austria Italy, as well as lecturers from Charles University; the texts often concerning the views of Charles University by its neighbouring countries in its first decades of founding. Charles University is renowned for being the oldest University to the North of the Alps an of the Rhine, with it being founded by King Charles IV of Bohemia and the Romans in 1348. only consisted of four faculties – theology, the liberal arts, law and medicine; not the 1 which are in existence today. In 1882 the University was split into two, a German part and to the lectures being taught in German rather than Czech. The University has had its perio as well as decline; with the first decades of the University being one of renown and estee by both monarchy and church. But by 1491 the strength of Charles University can be seen to students and professors refusing to attend a direct consequence to the western schism. Des periods of uncertainty the University has survived to remain an established centre for edu in the 21st century. Famous graduates have included Franz Kafka or the first President of Republic Professor Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.  In addition to this Albert Einstein was appoin Theoretical Physics in the German part of the University in 1911. The first day of this informative event consisted of lectures focused around the individua of Oyta and other Masters of Prague University. The second day focused on Prague Universit foreigners, the transmission of knowledge and other historical aspects. The block of lectu the morning on the second day titled “Prague University Viewed by Foreigners” was especial With Charles University in the 21st century being attended by approximately 1400 Erasmus s academic year 2013-2014, the studying of past views affectively shows the continuation of interest in this particular University. The key texts included The Charters of Foundation Naples: The Models and Their Reuse by Fulvio Delle Donne from the University della Basilic Decembrio: A Humanist in Prague at the End of the Fourteenth Century by Daniela Pagliara ( Chieti-Pescara), and John of Marignolli and the Historiographical Project of Charles IV by from the SISMEL, Florence. Notably this lecture focused mainly on the Italian view of the the fourteenth century. Possibly as Italy was the centre of education and arts in Europe a the University of Bologna being a model for Charles University. Through the study of the t the information discussed at the presentation it can be viewed that Charles University at slowly emerging educational power, with the Faculty of Arts, Theology and Medicine gaining acclaim. In addition to this, the texts studied in this lecture showed Prague to still pos majestic appearance in the medieval era as it does today. This series of lectures successfully explored and analysed the growth of Charles Universit first decades, and its influence on other educational centres within both Central and West organisers included The Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Science for Medieval Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University; individuals the organisation being Jan Odstrčilík (Austrian Academy of Sciences and Charles University Francesca Battista and Riccardo Burgazzi (both Charles University in Prague). With this di input both individual and literary, this lecture series can be deemed as an overall succes Suzanna Knuckey is a joint honours student studying music and history with archaeology at Charles University as an Erasmus student. Her interests include history, art, culture and in Prague as well as meet others from different countries and backgrounds.