Aleš Hrdlička, Founding Father of Physical Anthropology ****************************************************************************************** * Aleš Hrdlička, Founding Father of Physical Anthropology ****************************************************************************************** Charles University remembered Dr. Aleš Hrdlička, one of the founding fathers of Czech and Anthropology and the founder of the Museum of Anthropology in Prague, on the 17th October commemorative lecture. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Jane Buikstra from Arizona State is well respected in her field of Bioarchaeology and was part of workshop „Building of Cze Anthropology [ URL " československé antropologie) held on 17th and 18th October 2013. The first part of the lecture looked at Hrdlička's career. Hrdlička was born in Humpolec i then part of Austria-Hungary) in 1869. In 1881 he emigrated with his parents to the USA. T a medical student in 1889 at the Eclectic Medical College, later moving to Homoeopathic Co York. These years were particularly formative for Hrdlička as he became interested in Anth influenced by the work of Samuel Morton (1799-1851) who was interested in Natural Science. medical training which framed Hrdlička's mind for his view of humans. During his studies h homoeopathic hospital for the mentally ill. By studying the skeletons of the deceaded pati learn more about the causes and effects of mental illness. It was his meticulous collectio these samples which set the template for his later studies. His realisation that he needed samples from healthy humans led him to examine remains more work led him to his most famous studies of native American Indians, Mexican remains, and t America. At this point he had taken a position at what is now the Smithsonian Museum for N During his time there he went on frequent expeditions to develop his research, because of his theory that the original settlers of the Americas came from Asia and Siberia. By the t in 1945, he was a prominent and ground breaking anthropologist who had a collection of ove remains which he donated to the Smithsonian Museum and the Museum of Anthropology . However Prof. Buikstra went on to discuss how in recent years Hrdlička has fallen under cr for his treatment of human remains. Many anthropologists and commentators feel he was inse inhumane, which had led to an outcry for the return of some of his specimens to their resp Recently the Smithsonian Museum has released much of his collection so that the remains ma Although most anthropologists defend Hrdlička by pointing out that this was standard pract during his career and that he was a product of his time. Another area which has attracted is the view that Hrdlička may have supported theories of Eugenics which cast white people race. Some have even go so far as to call Dr. Hrdlička racist. This accusation is not enti Hrdlička was friends with scientist who supported this theory, but he himself never commit he wanted more evidence before he would accept it. The lecture finished by discussing his achievements and legacy. Which include the foundati American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 1918. The journal remains to this day to be a publication in anthropological circles, producing influential and up to date articles on w carried out through out the world. He also provided the fund for the foundation of the Hrd Anthropology in Prague which houses many of his specimens found during his expeditions. His work also directly led to the development of Bioarchaeology which is a growing field o It focuses on the archaeology of burial sites mainly, looking not only at the remains but of the grave. From this archaeologists have made great advances in the dating of remains, sex, and providing an accurate age of death. One example of a major breakthrough this has discovery of Tuberculosis and Syphilis in American populations before Europe discovered th puzzle piece has enabled scientists to learn a great deal about the evolution of these dis important development of anthropology which Hrdlička was responsible for is perhaps his st of research methods and data collection. This meant that studies could be compared more ea more widely shared, studies became more reliable and accurate which has been hugely benefi anthropology. The lecture was informative and fascinating and it is well worth keeping an eye out for mo within the university. Keziah Garratt-Smithson is a second year student currently on an ERASMUS p medieval and early modern history. In her spare time she is a keen reader, minded individuals, whilst having fun and gaining useful work experience.