A Welcome to CU at the Student Fair 2015 ****************************************************************************************** * A Welcome to CU at the Student Fair 2015 ****************************************************************************************** The ancient walls of Carolinum, the seat of the directory of Charles University in Prague, ceremonial halls located in the heart of Prague’s Old Town, are often host to formal event graduation ceremonies, which are usually held for 25-35 students only (unlike in countries UK or US), alternate with conferences, receptions, concerts and exhibitions. A few times d however, the students take over. One of the events that has gained a firm place in the age student community is the Student Fair / Studentský jarmark, held annually at the beginning In the afternoon of October 7th around 30 wooden and fabric stands, reminiscent of a medie fair, were placed in the yards of CU’s Carolinum and Celetná Street buildings. The order o familiarise interested freshers with the various student associations active at CU in Prag the variety was extensive. The local Amnesty International stand stood next to the FFabula responsible for connecting students of History), beside these stood a stand dedicated to t of Psychology. In the opposite row of booths, young lawyers (VŠEHRD, Prague German Club) a students were represented. The International CUNI Club represented the associations respon organisation of extracurricular programmes along with tutoring systems for international s was topped off with several stands offering food and drinks, as well as a stage for the an performance. The only downside of the event was the rainy weather. Indeed, in comparison to previous ye damp weather deterred students from attending. There is an argument to be made for hosting (as is custom in countries such as the UK), however anyone who studies in Prague knows tha the city and the cobbled yards of the Carolinum are half the charm of studying here. Let u for a fair day for the Student Fair 2016 – and a smooth continuation of the now well estab this CU freshman event. Gallery: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153658135725586.1073741836.1461873655 "http://"] Aoife Datta is a literature and philosophy student from Trinity College Dublin, studying i year. She joined iForum in order to gain experience in journalism and enhance her ability iForum also offers her the chance to get to know various aspects of Czech cultural life, w to her.