Prague Revisited: The Coronation of Charles IV ****************************************************************************************** * Prague Revisited: The Coronation of Charles IV ****************************************************************************************** In early September 1347, the Roman King Charles of Luxembourg and his first wife, the Fren Blanche de Valois, participated in the lengthy ceremony to become King and Queen of Bohemi took place in the Romanesque basilica in St. Vitus Cathedral of Prague Castle, founded by II. This Saturday and Sunday, the historians of Charles University and the Czech Academy o reconstructed this festive event, including the penitent pilgrimage to Vyšehrad in the sou Prague on the eve of coronation.   The highly anticipated event began on Saturday afternoon, when Charles IV, in the company of Prague Ernest of Pardubice and the leading Bohemian noblemen, arrived at Vyšehrad. Here first visited the Rotunda of St. Martin and the St. Laurentius Basilica, where, following coronation custom of Bohemian Kings, he paid respect to his mother’s lineage and bowed to and satchel of Přemysl the Ploughman, the legendary ancestor of Bohemian dukes and kings o dynasty. Next on the programme was a holy mass in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and a torc of the whole royal entourage to the city centre and back to Prague Castle. As the entourag around Karolinum, the ancient seat of Charles University, Charles IV was greeted by the Vi Professor Jan Royt in the name of this academic institution, which was founded by the real Faithful, but shortened The coronation ceremony itself took place on Sunday in the Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenc Adalbert in Prague Castle. The two-hour long ceremony was opened by Professor Royt, who em significance of the place of coronation to the audience. “The spiritual importance of this in the devotion to the Czech Patron Saints. After all, the tomb of the Kings of Bohemia li crossing of burial and relic sites of Saint Vitus, St. Wenceslas, the Patron Saint of Czec Sigismund and St. Adalbert, the Patron Saint of Prague Archbishopric,” he reminded. He als to the manner of Charles IV’s coronation – not only was the King crowned, but he was anoin the biblical figures David and Solomon as a priest and king. In this he followed the examp of France, who were anointed by the sacred oil in Reims, which was supposedly brought from angel and which also served for the anointment of King David. At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the cathedral bells started to sound and the entourage of c armigers, Royal court members and finally Charles IV and Blanche de Valois themselves ente by the original entrance, the so called Golden Gate. The coronation itself, however, was n its full version as given in the Coronation Order of Bohemian Kings; the ceremony was shor Smaha from the Catholic Theological Faculty of CU, the main organiser and performer repres IV for the day, explains: “Our goal was to prepare a reconstruction of a medieval coronati to revoke the feeling of the festive ceremony which bounded the King to follow Jesus Chris Kings, in rightful rule as faithfully as possible. Logistically, however, it was not possi truly authentic copy of the ceremony, as the coronation with all its parts took almost 1.5 follow the many hours-long mass would likely be overwhelming for people today.” During the coronation, in accordance with the original order of the ceremony, the followin performed: the anointment of the King, the dressing of the King, the handing over of the R the Consecration of the Crown, a festive Mass, and the oath of the King in front of the th of God, the clerics and the people. The King’s coronation was followed by the coronation c Queen, then the mass liturgy was performed as well as the King’s sacrifice of bread, a jug gold. For authenticity, a copy of the original of St. Wenceslas Crown was borrowed. The coronati other clothes of the main historical characters of the entourage as well as a copy of the and the apple for the King and Queen were made for the occasion according to the preserved sources and documents. The performers of the smaller roles were selected out of groups spe enactments of Czech history. The main condition was to have their own suitable clothes, we or other paraphernalia which would correspond with the reality of the 14th century. Severa Charles University also decided to join the re-enactment, such as the historian Professor the art historian Dr. Milan Pech. The final part of the festive weekend was staged in the Old Town Square, after the end of ceremony in Prague Castle. A royal banquet was held here, as well as a jousting tournament During the whole weekend a historical programme “Life in Medieval Prague” was held in the Karolinum. The young and adult visitors alike were able to visit medieval workshops or vie or juggler performances there. The coronation ceremony was co-organised by Charles University and the Capital City Prague commemorated the 700th anniversary of birth of Charles IV. Anna O'Sullivan is a second-year student from the University of Southampton studying Moder politics, film and travel. She is excited to contribute to the International iForum and th