Erasmus in Prague? ****************************************************************************************** * Erasmus in Prague? ****************************************************************************************** Students from across Europe flock to study for a semester or a year at Charles University magnificent city of Prague through the Erasmus project which proudly celebrates its 30th a year. Alex Leadbitter from De Montfort University in Leicester, England, discovers just wh attracted another group of students who will shortly be arriving in the city to start thei the university. The sheer beauty of Prague would be more than enough of a reason by itself to choose to si Erasmus placement in the city. The opportunity to live in this incredibly charming city sh passed up lightly. However, Prague has a lot more to offer than just stunning views, idyll spectacular architecture. The Czech capital is often described as the heart of Europe, not its geographical location, but also because of the deep history and culture that fills the around every corner. Culturally, Prague is up there with the most captivating cities in the world. Once in the no escape from the many cultural extravagances that Prague has to offer. Seemingly every b past has a plaque attached to it that explains some sort of historical and cultural signif tour guides dotted all around the city, it is easy to get engrossed in the culture and bec to just how momentous the city and its buildings are. Prague is famous for being steeped i that is a motivation for many of the students that choose to sign up for Erasmus here. Greek student Margkerita Alaia, who is from the National and Kapodistrian University of At why she will be taking Theatre Studies at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts during the said: “Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. There are a lot of students a with different cultures and ideas, and with same or different interests than me. I applied I'm really glad that I’ll have the opportunity to study abroad the subject that I love. I' English and I'll learn to live by myself and become independent.”  Similarly, Political Science and Civics student Malin Alsered Pihlström, arriving from Sto in Sweden to CU’s Faculty of Science, said: “Immersing yourself into other cultures is an my studies. The opportunity to experience the life at a university in another country and from all around the world would not only give me the practical knowledge that would be of my continued studies with Global Development, but also be an amazing adventure for me that appreciate.” These two students, one from Greece and the other from Sweden, show recognition towards Pr cultural background despite being from very different cultural roots themselves. Furthermore, in terms of education, Prague is well known for providing excellent schooling so a chance to study here is a great opportunity for anybody looking for an amazing experi with some of the world’s best lecturers and teachers. Prague is home to Charles University oldest universities in the world. Established in 1348 and named after King and Emperor Cha university takes immense pride in its rich history and it is easy to see why as it is one fascinating and historic universities on our planet. Some of the most decorated people in are Charles University alumni, such as Jaroslav Heyrovský, who was the recipient of the No Chemistry in 1959, and Edvard Beneš, who earnt a PhD in Philosophy and became the second C president in 1935. These are just two examples out of a vast number of people who have stu University and Prague, and have gone on to become globally renowned. The Erasmus programme gives students from around Europe the opportunity to follow in their and make successes of themselves. As In?s Isabel Costa Carvalho, a Portuguese Pharmacy stu from the University of Porto to the CU campus in Hradec Králové, said: “My application to international experience derives not only from my personal aspirations - to face new chall foreign environment and deal with different people and mentalities - but also from my acad - to get a taste of what studying abroad really means and what methods are used in my fiel different countries.” She added that the way that students are taught at Charles Universit her country, which means that students can have their eyes opened to a completely new way efficient, enjoyable and interesting manner. Living in Prague and other CU university cities Hradec Králové and Pilsen is also financia as almost everything in the Czech Republic is relatively cheap compared to the UK and a la Western Europe, so being able to live there on a student’s income should be no problem at Even when you go right into the city centre, the food, drink and activities are often much many major cities in Europe. You can easily find a place to have a full meal and not pay m equivalent of 10 Euros. Not to mention all the street performers, museums and oddities tha across the entire city.  Antonio Emilio García Martínez, a Spanish Sociology and Cultural Studies student from the Granada who will be hosted by the Faculty of Arts of CU next semester, said: “I would like the Erasmus scheme because I think it is an experience to develop myself as a person and g chosen the Czech Republic because it is a beautiful country and it´s quite cheaper than mi afford my stance with my scholarship.” Which emphasises how accessible it can be for stude to live in Prague throughout their Erasmus experience. The Erasmus programme connects students from all over Europe by not only enhancing their e proven academic techniques, but also by giving them the chance of a lifetime, to spend a y of the most fascinating and beautiful cities in the world. Alex Leadbitter is a Journalism student at De Montfort University in Leicester, England. H potentially work in and hopes to pinpoint a journalism career in the coming years.