Why Germany and France Need to Become Rivals Again ****************************************************************************************** * Why Germany and France Need to Become Rivals Again ****************************************************************************************** Two perspectives on Brexit, the European Union and Fear Recently I attended two lectures where guest speakers, Tomáš Klvaňa and Dennis Smith, gave their perspective on Brexit and the European Union. And though both topics have already be discussed, its relevance remains.  Dr. Tomáš Klvaňa who teaches here at Charles University gave a guest lecture at New York U in which he highlighted Machiavelli's ideas on fear. These suggested that institutions – s EU – need to maintain the original fear from which they were born to retain their power. E Czechoslovakian President T. G. Masaryk reminded Czechoslovakia and ist parliament that “S themselves by the ideas from which they were born” in 1935 before resigning.  What were these fears in the case of the European Union? The end of the Second World War a threats, such as the takeover in Czechoslovakia in February of 1948; the beginning of a ne nuclear age we were entering in 1945; and of course, the historically famous rivalry betwe Germany. So, when in 1951 the European Coal and Steel Community was founded, the six found weren’t thinking about Erasmus programmes and creating a European identity but giving end wars and rivalry with democracy and diplomacy.  However, it must be noted that United Kingdom wasn’t part of the founding countries and ir even want to enter the EU in the beginning. Guest lecturer Dennis Smith from Loughborough the UK, emphasized in his talk at the Faculty of Humanities of CU that Brexit can only be understanding British Empire. He believes that the British were profoundly traumatized by an empire, describes the feelings of displacement within the EU, the feeling of disgust wi world empire to a small union – the feeling of setback among the British suddenly seem und When former Prime Minister of the UK, Mr. David Cameron, called for a referendum, many Bri only saw this as their chance to get back the sovereignty they believe to have been taken also, as a chance of revenge to the elites. With the “leave” vote the British middle and l expressed their anger towards the posh upper class, the financial powers and the rich Lond distant and different from them. In a way, Dennis joked, the leave vote was a win for democracy. Ironic, isn’t it? Both speakers emphasized that the EU is a club and Dennis even pointed out that this is so were never explained. Many even feel, he expressed further, that once enemies, France and become close club presidents. Decision are being made in the new Versailles, Brussel, and Europe feel overlooked and excluded, Dennis disclosed.  So, what can be done to prevent more countries from leaving the EU, changing its bad reput issues within it? Well, as Machiavelli suggests, we could go back to the founding fears of Union – cold rivalry, bloody wars and dark threats.  Or, as both guest lectures suggested, we could work on creating a more democratic and tran Union; we could pay more attention to those expressing their concerns and fears; we could focusing on dealing with issues such as corruption within the European Union, commissions pathing the way on how the EU should move forward – and we could ensure to not make the sa Scotland or even Catalin that were made during the referendum campaign in the UK and in ot across Europe. We could work on creating a united Europe again, a real Union as the name s be. Dennis went even further and argued that politicians shouldn’t even ask and call for a vot To prevent further damage, both Dennis and Klvaňa stressed, Brexit has to be made as hard the British – to not only scare the British off but also other European countries. Maybe M that wrong after all.