Do Capitalism and Democracy Need Each Other? ****************************************************************************************** * Do Capitalism and Democracy Need Each Other? ****************************************************************************************** In preparation for his upcoming book Professor Dennis Smith, currently residing at the Uni Loughborough, has been giving a series of lectures on various political concepts in the co socio-political roots. On 6th November 2017 and hosted by the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University the lec around the interplay between democracy and capitalism. Beginning the lecture with the feud of capitalism, the crux of the matter was showing quickly: what is the relationship betwee that seem to oppose each other and how can they co-exist going forward? Despite the common misconception, in part emerging from an ideology proliferated in 20th c that democracy and capitalism need each other, it is surely in fact the case that, as was they are opposed. In times when the world is under increasing pressure from an increasing it is more important than ever for us to think about the survival of a system that has his western society. Professor Smith noted at the beginning of the lecture that the concepts of democracy and c be broken down into two key concepts, fundamental to their being; those being ‘voting’ and respectively. At its core this seems to  show something interesting, that democracy and ca able to work in tandem freely, albeit with the assumption of the prevalence of a libertari government. Having said this, practically, Smith suggests the ‘awkward relationship’ of capitalism and is apparent when looking at conflicts such as the American Civil War and World War I and I conflicts, the opposition of powers associated on one side with capitalism (with forward f and industrialisation) and the other with democracy (associated loosely with morality) cou show the friction inherent between capitalism and democracy with the result of each confli to a different side and not to a consistent ideology (democracy or capitalism). Of course, it could be argued that as, what Smith termed, the ‘European Civil war’ (= WW I with the victory of the less industrialised powers and the American Civil War with the vic more industrialised North, the dominating force in world power up to this point has been d capitalism. In fact, this seems to be a persuasive argument that capitalism seems to drive and flow of politics and economics, yet it is kept in check within the bounds of the guidi democracy and, on a more debatable basis, morality. What Smith suggests about the concept of the ‘capitalist democracy’ is that as it has evol been four phases that must be overcome: starting with the transition from autocracy, movin in the legitimacy and corruptibility of each constituting part of the ‘capitalist democrac distribution of wealth in a ‘capitalist democracy’, and ending in the destructive effects Moving to discuss each of these phases in turn, the lecture from here consisted of the dif (and some more modern) viewpoints of political figures and thinkers. What is very apparent is that, after the idea of the ‘capitalist democracy’ became so prevalent in western socie constituent parts have become defined by each other. After all, if you were to ask the ave the purpose of democracy then surely the creation of law and regulation of private ‘profit affairs would be an incredibly prevalent answer. The conclusion to lecture focused on speculation, especially that of Thomas Friedman and E about the survival of ‘capitalist democracy’ within an increasingly globalised world. It i circular that the effect of globalisation seems, in a way to have pitted the ideologies of democracy against each other in way that World War II (as discussed above) had done previo time there are no sides and no clearly defined moral element; just an internal turbulence sheer capitalism and democracy apart or at least redefine the pairs’ relationship moving f At the end of the lecture the floor was opened up to questions after which Professor Smith being able to talk more in depth about a historical model for the development of ‘capitali as, after all, in the current political climate the future of the concept will have a grea all.