Four Charles University personalities receive state honours ****************************************************************************************** * Four Charles University personalities receive state honours ****************************************************************************************** Czechs on Monday marked the 101st anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia. As is tra 28, state honours were awarded by the country’s president at the Vladislav Hall at Prague Recipients this year included Corporal Tomáš Procházka (in memoriam – he was killed while Afghanistan), Czech WWII RAF pilot Emil Boček, Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica, and hocke Jágr. Four of those to receive honours (Medals of Merit, First Class) are highly-respected indiv University: obstetrician and professor emeritus Antonín Doležal, biologist and expert on h Helena Haškovcová, acclaimed eye surgeon Jaroslav Madunický, and internationally-known onc Petruželka. In all, 42 people received state honours this year.