The Dangers of Brexit for UK Higher Education
The European Union started off as the European Coal and Steel Community which began in 1950 and aimed to unite numerous European nations both economically and politically. Since then it has developed significantly and now unites Europe’s academics and innovators. In the lead up to Britain’s EU referendum this June, many debates on membership have ignored the current benefits to British higher education and science which would be lost if Britain were to leave.
Will Chamberlain, 15 April 2016

Who is Funding Your Studies? The Fisher- Bulmer Debate on Philanthropic Support
On the 11th of November the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University invited Professor Martin Bulmer from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, to discuss philanthropic support for social sciences, in a workshop entitled ‘Interests and Motivations Explaining Philanthropic Support for Social Sciences: the Fisher-Bulmer Debate.’
Natalie Binz, 20 November 2014

Europe 2020 Strategy – Increase of Student Mobility
With levels of youth unemployment in Europe reaching as high as 23% in 2012 , a key part of the Europe 2020 development strategy is to get Europe’s youth working. The 10 year plan to improve Europe’s economy aims towards “smart, inclusive and sustainable growth” in five key areas; Employment; Research and development; Climate change; Education; and Poverty and social justice.
Elan Grug Mus - International iForum , 5 November 2013

Academic Night at the Faculty of Arts
On the last Thursday of April, an academic night was held at the main Faculty of Arts building in náměstí Jana Palacha. The night aimed to promote awareness of student activism and to raise intellectual debate concerning the Czech government’s proposed educational reforms, and other wider issues that affected Czech universities and students.
Bryonie Carolan, 15 May 2013

England has effectively abolished its public university system
Professor Howard Hotson criticizes the British government reforms of higher education. He is a co-author of manifesto In Defence of Public Higher Education which was published by Charles University in czech translation. Professor Hotson visited Prague in November and now you can read an interview with him.
Mgr. Miroslav Jašurek, RNDr. Věra Šťastná, 19 December 2012

It’s more effective to finance universities using public resources, says Prof. Hotson
The newly established Council for the Defence of British Universities has the following goals: prioritisation of education, defence of traditional academic values and greater autonomy for universities. The Council was introduced to Czechs by Prof. Howard Hotson, a history professor at Oxford University, during his lecture at the Czech Academy of Science on Tuesday 27th of November.
Petra Köpplová, 28 November 2012