ERC CZ grants awarded to three CU researchers
To receive an ERC grant from the European Research Council is a major achievement for any young researcher, providing funding and recognition (ie. lifeblood) for deserving top projects.
Forum magazine, 2 April 2020

Home office with children: not easy and not a “vacation”
Within the few square metres, the members of this species now work, teach, learn, play, as well as yell, cry, and run the household, often at the same time or in quick succession.
Jitka Jiřičková, 1 April 2020

Rector Zima: You can’t have a plexiglass border
Charles University’s Rector Tomáš Zima was Zita Senková’s guest at public broadcaster Czech Radio (Cěský rozhlas Dvojka), where he spoke at length about topic on everyone's mind: the Covid-19 pandemic.
iForum, 31 March 2020

How long can the coronavirus survive on different surfaces?
An investigation into the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has examined how long it can survive on different surfaces. If someone touches a contaminated item – a set of keys, their phone, or even cash – can they get sick?
Pavla Hubálková, 27 March 2020

Czech scientists take aim at coronavirus
The development of the coronavirus vaccine is being carried out by scientists in Germany, Australia, Israel and other countries. In the United States, the first vaccine tests have already begun.
Marcela Uhlíková, 26 March 2020

Scientists target economic impact of Covid-19
A team of scientists from the Institute for Democracy & Economic Analysis (IDEA) has offered its expertise to try and curb the negative economic impact of coronavirus pandemic.
Pavla Hubálková, 24 March 2020

“The response by volunteers to our online initiative was immediate”
Students at Charles University’s medical faculties wasted little time pooling their strengths in the face of the emerging crisis.
Jan Velinger, 19 March 2020

Rector Henrik C. Wegener on universities, alliances and the coronavirus
Work groups from six universities within the 4EU+ European university alliance met recently in Copenhagen to move forward with some of the project’s key aims.
Jan Velinger, 9 March 2020